bridge 1- by David Strutt

The next time photo chapter of the 10th St. bridge project.

The cement drive up ramps to the main bridge are now complete and the cement columns on the sides of the bridge have also been poured in the wood forms.

bridge 2The bridge crews are making wood forms for the ends of the bridge walkway on each side of the bridge. There is grey conduit protruding up from one of the boxed forms for electrical lighting after the cement pour is completed in the near future.

A few photos near the Gavaris building and 10th St. view give a wide angle of the landscape of the bridge project.

A reinforcement wall along the east harbor wall has been poured and is covered for curing time. The orange caps are protruding up from the rebar rods, ready for a future pour of cement.bridge 3

The bridge crews have been busy on the 10th St west end of the bridge. The excavators have been busy loading dump trucks with earth to be moved elsewhere.

The excavators have been leveling the surface up to the edge of the bridge cement roadway. The main junction box in the roadway is still partially visible, as the crew carry on with the road preparation.

The 10th St west roadway is the next part of the project, as it will be dug up very deep by the excavators, then the crews will be able to install the new water and sewer lines that will connect to the bridge connecting lines.

bridge 3The Sydenham River view of the bridge keeps changing constantly, the boxed columns now are in a line across both sides of the bridge, a new view will come in the days ahead.

Another photo chapter of the 10th St. bridge ends.bridge 5

The photos are for everyone who enjoy the photo moments of this bridge construction event, sharing with you, also with historians, and with my friends.