
The Arts Editor for the Hub is an odd sort of guy. He writes the column "Coming Right Up" every Wednesday so that people who read the Hub know what their options are for the weekend. He also takes care of some of the technical stuff involved in the operation of the on-line, paperless magazine, and helps out in any way he can with promotions.

But there's more to him than that. He is an advocate of freedom of speech, and of LGBTQ rights. He is a writer who writes a blog on ADHD for a psychology web site, Psych Central, in the U.S.A. And he is a musician and song writer.

You may rest assured that all this is true, as the editor in question detests lies and he has written this himself.

One other truth about him is that he abhors Cancer. And to make his contribution to the fight against Cancer, he has collected pledges donated by people who wish to see him shave his head on six different occasions in his life. The seventh time is happening on Saturday, June 6th around 1:00PM at Stow-it Self Storage OS 1960 20th Street East in Owen Sound.

In an effort to get as many people involved in the event as he can, he is offering an invitation to anyone who pledges over $20 to attend a show put on by himself and his band, a duo known as Hot Black Coffee, at The River Café.

To further involve Hot Black Coffee in the effort, he has asked his musical accomplice to bring her hair care skills to the forefront and be the one to shave his head.

Now before you go thinking that, among all the other things the editor in question is, he is also a daredevil, be advised that the musical accomplice is none other than Rebecca Johnson-Morelli of the increasingly famed Rebecca's Pretty Green Hair Services.

Rebecca graciously agreed to both shaving his head and accompanying him in the show.

Now all that's left to do is to do it all. You can make donations at The River Café or online at The Cancer Society's collection page or, should you happen to see Kelly on the street in the next 24 hours, hand him your donation and give him your name. And if you miss this window of opportunity, don't fret. You can still make donations online or to Kelly himself after the event, and still receive an invitation to the show.