andrew peregrineCome join us this Wednesday July 25th, 2018 at 6.30pm at Huron Feathers Presbyterian Centre (303 Lakeshore Blvd N, Sauble Beach, ON N0H 2G0), for our Beach Talk lecture series. The Beach Talk Speaker series includes topics related to Piping Plovers, shorelines, dune plants and beach habitats.

Next up is Andrew S. Peregrine, BVMS, PhD, DVM, DipEVPC, DipACVM, Associate Professor and Clinical Parasitologist at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph.

This talk will review the ticks that can be found on dogs and people in Ontario, and how to identify the tick responsible for Lyme disease. Data will be presented to indicate how the risk of exposure to the organism that causes Lyme disease is changing across Ontario and what will likely happen in the future. Lastly, strategies to reduce the risk of infection in both dogs and people will be discussed.

source: media release, Plover Lovers