Clumpus WebThanksgiving weekend is my favourite holiday of the year – with colour exploding all around us, still a hint of summer warmth and the smells of the apple harvest, turkey roasting, and fresh, crisp autumn air. Memories rush in of large family gatherings, walks in the woods, and sharing with loved ones, our gratitude for all that we have. This year has been very challenging for us all, and I, like many of you, hoped that once the first wave of the pandemic was behind us, we would be able to share the holiday with our extended families. Unfortunately the second wave is in full swing, and we are urged to celebrate this Fall tradition with only our immediate household. The turkey may be smaller, there will be fewer faces around the dining room table, but we still have so much to be thankful for as we reflect on what has been for many, a very difficult year.

I am so grateful for our community’s caring, resiliency and kindness as we weather the impacts of COVID-19. We have seen very low case numbers, and for that I thank you. Diligently washing hands, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing has controlled community spread of the virus. You have taken the recommendations of healthcare professionals seriously, and kept the vulnerable members of our community safe. Respecting the mask wearing order as you visit our local businesses has helped them on their road to recovery. This is a great example of everyone pulling together as a team, and I’m so proud of the way our community has stepped up to this challenge.

As we think about what this occasion really means, let’s remember our essential service and healthcare workers, many of whom have put themselves at risk to provide the services we need, and who have adapted so well to the changing health and safety requirements. Not all heroes wear capes, and we have so many heroes walking among us this year.

I am also, as always, so grateful for my family – my husband, children and grandchildren who bring me so much love and joy. As you celebrate this weekend in your own creative way, I hope the memories of past Thanksgivings emerge and you add to them, the heartwarming spots that have helped you and your family endure this unusual year.

Happy Thanksgiving! Stay well everyone.

Mayor Barb Clumpus
Municipality of Meaford