chi chimaun in harbourChi-Cheemaun’s ship elevator underwent its annual inspection earlier this week during which a damaged tooth on the lifting mechanism gear, and the component requires replacement. As the ship and her elevator are 45 years old, the component is not available “off-the-shelf” and must be manufactured, tested and inspected prior to installation. OSTC is advised that the elevator will be out of service for approximately four to five weeks.

OSTC’s ferry service customers will be accommodated by using the shoreside elevators at both Tobermory and South Baymouth. Vehicle drivers who require elevator service must identify this at the time of reservation and upon arrival at the terminals so that OSTC staff can assist with the loading and unloading of their vehicles.

There is no alternate elevator service at the ferry’s winter berth in Owen Sound. OSTC has contacted the third-party organizers of pre-ferry season events being held on the ferry. The ship’s elevator will also not be in service for the Annual Spring Cruise from Owen Sound to Tobermory on Thursday May 2. Any passenger who requires elevator service and is unable to use the stairs may turn their ticket in for a refund.

source: media release, Owen Sound Transportation Company