Living as Joyful DisciplesDuring the week of May 5 to May 10, 2019 the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.

The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week is:
“Living as Joyful Disciples”

“Our Catholic schools help to form joyful disciples as hearts and minds are opened to the transforming love of God and to the flame of faith in action. On a daily basis, Catholic schools demonstrate the joy of believing and witness the Good News to the communities that they serve.” (From Renewing the Promise, The Pastoral Letter on Catholic Education from the Bishops of Ontario)

There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week and they are aimed at helping staff and students to reflect more fully on what Living as Joyful Disciples means to them.

The five sub-themes are:

Day 1: Rooted in Prayer / Enracinés dans la prière

Day 2: Living in Community / Vivre au coeur de la communauté

Day 3: Doing Justice & Creating Hope / Semer la justice et inspirer l’espérance

Day 4: Journeying Together in Faith / Cheminer ensemble dans la foi

Day 5: Sharing the Good News / Partager la bonne nouvelle

Catholic Education Week is marked by special activities at all grade levels, including prayer celebrations and service activities.

Visit our school(s) during this special week and to participate in any of our activities as we celebrate Catholic Education Week 2019.

source: media release, BGCDSB