


- by John Tamming

On March 29, 2021, Dr. Ian Arra, our regional Medical Officer of Health, attended before Owen Sound City Council. He was clearly furious that as a city councillor I had the temerity to publicly question both his $300,000 bonus and the large turnover of senior staff at the health unit. Dr. Arra ended his prepared remarks of half an hour with the open fantasy and wish that a city founder emerge from the grave and take a flamethrower to a certain city councillor’s seat.

The cameras were running. I and my immediate family were deeply troubled and felt threatened by these comments from this public servant.

I thought that such tantrums and language were unbefitting a medical professional. Accordingly, I launched a complaint with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The analysis and decision of the College appear below. The College elected not to take formal disciplinary proceedings against Dr. Arra, which I did not really expect would happen in any event.

But the College did clearly conclude that Dr. Arra’s “word choice and comments were unnecessarily violent and of an unprofessional nature.” He was cautioned to ensure that his communications be professional at all times. For the College of his peers to name his language as violent and unprofessional is not a trivial matter.

I regret that Dr. Arra did not apologize at the time for his comments and that he continues to refuse to apologize. Indeed, in his response to the College, he compounds his slander and without a shred of evidence and out of thin air accuses me of trying to leverage the issue of his bonus and staff concerns at the health unit to gain votes for a run at the mayor’s seat. He apparently has no shame.

An apology would show genuine remorse. It would also be a thing of real class. The absence of same has caused me to draw my own conclusions as to his character.

The issue has never been about me and I am under no illusions that holding him to account has been a “vote getter” as he alleges. Rather, it is about the office I hold and about the propriety of allowing a man such as Dr. Arra to attempt to intimidate any actual or potential critics both now and in the future. Our modest parliament deserves better.

The Board of Public Health comprises many fine, conscientious people. I hope that, with this decision in hand, they will do three things: Demand an apology from Dr. Arra to myself and the City of Owen Sound. Account for the bonus and explain why almost no other managers received bonuses. Appoint a third party investigator to tell us exactly what underlies the apparent dysfunction at the health unit. Public trust in this institution is essential, especially during a time of pandemic. It cannot be eroded further.

John A. Tamming is an Owen Sound City Councillor

ANALYSIS - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario File CAS-128161-YOTOW6

The Committee considered the following points in reaching its decision:

• The Complainant told the College that:

o He raised concerns about the amount the Respondent was paid in the media, as well as regarding the loss of managers in the local health unit and that some former managers had raised allegations of bullying and sexist conduct in litigation against the health unit.
o He believes that his raising these issues prompted the Respondent’s unprofessional comments at the city council meeting.
o He involved the police due to the Respondent’s behaviour at the meeting and concerns for his safety. He also requested an apology from the Respondent but did not receive one.

• The Respondent told the College that:

o His statement at the meeting was meant to convey the following: The forefathers of the city, who built the Council, and as such would be most proud of it, would have been extremely disappointed, if they were to observe the politics aimed at gaining votes on the expense of the robustness of the emergency response, potentially risking lives. Ensuring more votes for any elected representative to run for “a seat” (the seat/office of the Mayor) should not be the focus in the middle of a pandemic.
o In hindsight, his choice of words, (flamethrower” in particular) was probably more emphatic than the occasion called for, however, this came from a combination of his passion for public health and his deep concern about lives impacted in an emergency of the highest caliber. If he had the opportunity to go back to present at the meeting, he would be more  circumspect in his choice of words. He understands how this one  particular quote offended the Complainant, who perceived the words to be about the Complainant’s own council seat.

• There is no physician-patient relationship between the Respondent and the Complainant or broader public safety issue in this case. As a Medical Officer of Health, the Respondent is responsible for developing, operationalizing and reporting on public health policy and outcomes, and communicating this to various stakeholders, including members of city councils. In this role, the Respondent is expected to behave and communicate in a professional manner.

• The Committee reviewed the recording of the Owen Sound City Council meeting on March 29, 2021, which included the Respondent’s presentation about COVID 19 pandemic survey data and regarding his overtime pay.

• While the Respondent’s comments do not appear to be directly threatening when examined in their context, his word choice and comments were unnecessarily violent and of an unprofessional nature. The Committee advises the Respondent to ensure professional communications at all times.




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