

Kevin Annett

The Republican Party of Kanata says it is reclaiming the Nation for all of the People. They claim that a majority of Canadians - 58% - want a Republic in Canada.

"We, the Republican Party of Kanata, are acting on that majority mandate."

Candidate, Kevin D. Annett, of Vancouver, BC, will be Coming to 2nd Ave Gallery at 984 2nd Avenue East, in Owen Sound on September 16 2019, at 3pm. Annett is a Community minister, writer, film maker, and whistleblower activist.

Some of their aims include self-governance: the nullifying of Crown authority and the establishing of a Sovereign Constitutional Republic in Canada; true democracy: a delegated and recallable congress elected every two years and locally elected peoples’ assemblies, justice: common law jury courts, an elected judiciary with free and open courts and procedures, community policing and citizen militias; freedom: a constitutional guarantee of unalienable liberties including freedom of thought, expression, movement, and dissent, the right to a common law jury trial and fair and equal treatment before the law, the right to revolt, bear arms and politically organize; prosperity: a moratorium on all debts, a constitutional prohibition on the foreign and corporate ownership of Canada; economic justice: the public ownership of the banks, credit and financial institutions, a fair taxation system based on ability to pay, the immediate collection of all back taxes owed by the super wealthy and corporations; land security: a moratorium on the destruction of agricultural land, a freeze on all defaulted mortgages and private debts; The preservation, protection and subsidy of family farms and local rural communities.

source: media release


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