

GBlovesdoctorsThere are so many different “days” to recognize each  year, but on Friday, May 19th the Grey Bruce Physician  Recruitment and Retention Taskforce (GBPRRT) is asking  residents throughout our area to recognize the  physicians who go above and beyond in providing excellent family health care in our  community. If you have a great story about your Family Doctor, add it to our website, and  show them how much Grey-Bruce appreciates them!  

Screen Shot 2023 05 16 at 4.50.39 PMLocal residents are planning to rally at Owen Sound city hall Wednesday May 17, 11:30 to 1pm in protest of the provincial government's plan to remove a decades-old ban on caged dog hunting.

Animal Justice, a national animal law advocacy organization, is denouncing a plan by the Ontario government to reverse ...

onlinegamblingWith playoff games attracting larger audiences to gambling ads than  ever before, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Ontario is recommending the  prohibition of all advertising for online gambling as evidence shows the detrimental impact it has  on vulnerable individuals and their families. 

In a submission to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), CMHA proposes further constraints to the Registrar’s Standards restricting celebrity and athlete participation in  promoting gambling to youth, namely: 

pflaglogoOn Wednesday, May 17, people around the world observe International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB). 

This year’s theme of Together Always: United In Diversity, is an urgent reminder of the power of solidarity to push back against a rising tide of misinformation, hate speech, hate actions, and violence directed at the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Canada and around the world ...

meafordcouncil2023Monday afternoon Norah Beatty of the Grey Bruce County Health Coalition made a deputation to the council of the Municipality of Meaford (full text below). Later in its meeting, after a brief discussion, the council unanimously passed the following motion:

"The Council of the Municipality of Meaford, recommends that the  government reconsider its proposal to create private for profit hospitals and ...


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