

OS-Police-Targs-featThe Owen Sound Police are investigating a fail to remain that occurred in the 700 block of 4th Avenue East Owen Sound just prior to midnight.

A white Chevrolet pickup truck failed to negotiate a turn from...


 The Owen Sound Police are happy to advise that Rijk VanHuisstedde has been located and is in good health. Mr. VanHuisstedde was...

10 dollar billGrey Roots Museum Archives is proud to share the news that Grey County's own Agnes Macphail, a pioneer for women in politics and Grey County hero, will be the first Canadian woman featured on a...

Doug ArnoldThe Bruce Peninsula Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is continuing their investigation into the disappearance of 74-year-old Douglas ARNOLD who was reported missing/overdue by family members on...

grey-gables2At their regular meeting of March 29th, 2017, Council of the Municipality of Grey Highlands unanimously passed the following resolution:

WHEREAS Long Term Care (LTC) provides complex care; and WHEREAS demographics predict a steady increase in the...


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