

OS-Policesept-featSometime during the early morning hours of 18APR15 unknown suspect(s) attended the 1700 block of 4th Ave E. There they located an unlocked 2013 gold 4 door Honda Civic bearing Ontario marker BSJE812. The owner had unintentionally left his keys in the vehicle. The unknown suspect(s) subsequently stole the vehicle. The Civic was described as having blackened out rear taillights, blackened emblems, black hub caps and a low profile front spoiler. If observed, the public is advised to not engage the occupants and instead contact police.
Anyone with information is requested to contact police or Crimestoppers.


Shortly before 11:00 am 18APR15 a white 2003 Chev Silverado pick up truck was stolen from the 1300 block of 2nd Ave E. The owner had entered a business for a few minutes and when he returned the vehicle was gone. The truck had a 2003 red Suzuki dirt bike in the bed of the truck. The pick up truck was later located abandoned in the Leith area however the dirt bike still remains stolen.
Anyone with information is requested to contact police or Crimestoppers.

hillier-featureMember of Parliament Larry Miller responded this morning to the Hub's request for comment on retired General Rick Hillier's social media posts about absences from Monday's House of Common's vote on Canada's mission in Iraq.

Mr. Miller called from Hanoi, Vietnam where he and other MPs, including fellow Conservative Blaine Calkins, Liberal David McGuinty and New Democrat Libby Davies are representing Canada at the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

"I have every respect for General Hillier," said Mr. Miller, but expressed the opinion that every Member of Parliament would have been in the House if it were possible. "This vote would have trumped any riding event, for example," Miller said. He cited serious health issues and commitments like the Aboriginal Affairs meeting in Whitehorse as some possible legitimate reasons for an MP's absence from an important vote.

Mr. Miller will be back in Canada after Easter.

Braningham-featby Hub Staff

Aly Boltman made the following deputation to Owen Sound City Council March 30, 2015

"Thank you for the opportunity to speak to council this evening. I'm Aly Boltman. I have presented to council about Branningham Grove twice before, in September, 2008 and August, 2009. The council at that time consisted of Mayor Lovell, Deputy Mayor Arlene Wright as well as Councillors McManaman, Lemon, Pink, Adair, Haswell, Twaddle and Christie.

"Tonight, only councilors McManaman and Lemon and Deputy Mayor Arlene Wright remain from the council that served between 2006 and 2010.

"In your agenda package, you will see a summary from my past deputation documents outlining Branningham Grove's importance from both an architectural and cultural heritage lens. For the sake of those who may not have an adequate history of the building, I'll take a brief moment to review.

OS-Policesept-featThe Owen Sound Police Service wishes to advise the community of a scam targeting renters. Fraudsters are taking photos of homes from legitimate web sites and posting them on sites such as Kijiji and Craig’s List as rentals. When potential renters contact the fraudster by e-mail, requests are made for money transfers in exchange for a key. Police are recommending that renters do their research by checking the address on the internet and if possible attend the property in person. If a money transfer is requested, use caution as this is a good indicator of fraudulent activity especially if the transfer is to an out of country location.


March 27th, 2015

MP Larry Miller Supports Motion to List Microbeads as a Toxic Substance

Ottawa, ON – Larry Miller, MP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, is supporting a motion put forward by NDP MP Megan Leslie which is calling for microbeads to be added to the Government's list of toxic substances.
Microbeads are small plastic beads that are often found in beauty and personal care products such as face wash. Recent research has found up to 5,000 pieces of microplastic per square kilometre in Lake Huron and up to 600,000 pieces of this plastic per square kilometre in Lake Erie. This research was conducted by Philippe Van Cappellen of the University of Waterloo...



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