

onlinevotingThe 2018 municipal elections in Ontario that used online voting had some fairly obvious hiccups. Owen Sound, like many other municipalities, had to extend voting and the results were more than 24 hours late. 

Although local residents expressed a slight preference for paper ballots ...

gitchenamewikwedonglarge- by Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor, with help from some friendly neighbours

With fewer syllables than any public school name in the area, the Gitche Namewikwedong dedication of the 10th Street bridge is just unfamiliar to many locals,  no more unpronouncable than those school names are to some of our newest Owen Sounders. 

Some of our neighbours had these observations on the name:

marymillerpark- by Abbey Blokland

Are recognition parks for the public or for the person who is being recognized? Mary Miller Park is found on traditional Indigenous burial grounds for the Ojibwe people when Mary Miller was a kindergarten teacher in the twentieth century.

Mary Miller Park is still on an aboriginal place with the two having no relation to each other. ...

construction machine 3412240 640In previous pieces that I call ‘Under the Cover of COVID,’ I outlined how Mr Ford’s legislative agenda will let private, for-profit nursing homes off the hook for their failure to contain COVID. The Conservatives are restricting the release of information in any investigation into pandemic deaths in private long-term homes. And, by changing the rules for class action suits ...

Dr MaryLynn West Moynes President CEO Georgian College 2020- by Dr. MaryLynn West-Moynes, President and CEO

With Thanksgiving weekend just around the corner, I’ve been reflecting on what an extraordinary seven months it has been for Georgian students, employees and our extended college family. I’ve always been proud to be ...


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