


transit question feature- by Jim Hutton

The Community Satisfaction Survey that showed that the average of phone and computer respondents on the question of Transit was that only 6.5% of the population uses the service frequently and an average of 72.5% said that they never used public transit.

This year we saw a Transit budget increase of $504,248 or 52.8% in a single year. By using the fare box ...

Council Chambers– by Jim Hutton

Owen Sound has the distinction of being the highest taxed municipality in southern Ontario, while at the same time the community with the lowest household incomes. The underlying cause of how we earned this distinction is the scarcity of strong decisive leadership ...

shopping 1724299 640 – by Jim Hutton

We see clear evidence that Owen Sound is either overstaffed at the senior levels or paying senior staff salaries in excess of the norm. Owen Sound had 73 employees in 2021 receiving salaries greater than $100,000 at a total cost of $8,982,610 ...

erasersAs a former chief financial officer of a public institution and an Owen Sound taxpayer, I was alarmed when I reviewed 9-years of the city’s audited financial statements. Unlike most public institutions that are totally reliant on a reluctant provincial government to make up the difference between revenues and expenses, municipalities have the ability to stretch revenues to match expenses by simply raising taxes. This provides municipal councils with the freedom to approve staff requests for budget increases that would never be approved in other public institutions.

homekey- by Carol Merton

The housing crisis, income insecurity and the impacts relating to climate change are all intertwined. These issues which were present before today have been made significantly worse by the pandemic and global economics.

A housing solution ...


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