When I drafted this reflection on my recent visit to the US, I had not heard about the shooting in Las Vegas. I was going to start with a panel on dystopia at the speculative fiction convention I attended. But as we drove, I saw a huge flag at half-mast. For Puerto Rico, I wondered. I saw a few more before we stopped for gas, and the news program shown on the pump ...
The Owen Sound Artists Co-op is spearheading the creation of a community workshop space for craft. This Art School Project, "The Workshop", will be a downtown, craft based school, featuring pottery, printmaking, jewellery and more. They are requesting any donations of any spare equipment to start off the studio. Anything is welcome from...
- Hub staff
In the 1920s, Allan G. Odell came up with the idea of putting six red and white signs 100 feet apart on a Minnesota highway to boost the sales of his father's shaving cream. The Burma Shave signs became an iconic ad campaign that lasted almost 40 years. Look it up if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Over the years, signs of all kinds have popped up for information, education and just to try to make a buck. They have been constrained by civic rules for the sake of aesthetics, waste, and safety. In Owen Sound there are...
- by Martin Donald
I wanted to comment about an opinion piece that Jim Cummings had posted at the owensoundhub.org about the irony of having an Orange Lodge at the Pratie Oaten, Irish Festival at Grey Roots.
It is very coincidental that Grey Roots built the Orange Lodge in 2017, when we around the world are trying to deal with monuments, whether they be statues, plaques or schools named after individuals, that are inherently negative. We saw indigenous protests in Halifax centered around a statue of Edward Cornwallis, Protests, riots and murders in Charlottesville, North Carolina all centered around a confederate monument and we saw Grey Roots complete a building, a monument to Protestant Ethno-Nationalism.
That statement might seem extreme unless you know...
- Anne Finlay-Stewart, Editor
At the most recent Owen Sound Operations Committee, the discussion of untamed garbage had fingers pointing in every direction, including at the City itself.
Councillor Brian O'Leary insisted "We're enablers. We let it happen. We need to put the hammer down."
A written complaint by the Downtown Improvement Area (DIA) of discarded furniture on downtown ...
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