Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Liberal candidate Kimberly Love calls the Conservatives' federal budget "deeply cynical politics". During a phone interview, Love likened it to "selling the furniture and raiding the children's piggy banks and then expecting us to believe that these people are good money managers." She expressed surprise that the Conservatives persisted with an income-splitting plan at a cost to the government of $2 billion, "even over the protests of former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty who recognized that it benefited only the wealthiest families and offered nothing to single parents or the working poor. This budget gives the most to those who need it the least."
Ottawa, ON – Today, the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance, presented the 2015 budget of the Federal Government in the House of Commons. Larry Miller, MP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, welcomes a balanced budget with many measures to support Canadians...
On Thursday, April 23rd, 2015, Larry Miller, MP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, will be hosting a community TeleForum for all residents of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound...
Two of Canada's most prestigious authors and historians will be visiting Owen Sound June 6 on the invitation of the M'Wikwedong Native Cultural Resource Centre. The event is part of the program called Wasa Nabin, an Ojibway word meaning "to look forward".
The theme of the day will be "We are all Treaty People". While the details of the presentations of Maracle and Saul are still in discussion, their recent work suggests a powerful day of challenged assumptions.
Two of Canada's most prestigious authors and historians will be visiting Owen Sound June 6 on the invitation of the M'Wikwedong Native Cultural Resource Centre. The event is part of the program called Wasa Nabin, an Ojibway word meaning "to look forward".
The theme of the day will be "We are all Treaty People". While the details of the presentations of Maracle and Saul are still in discussion, their recent work suggests a powerful day of challenged assumptions.
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