City Council approved staff principles for water and wastewater invoicing of properties affected by the freezing of water services over the past few months.
"We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during the past few months. It is amazing how much our community has been very supportive of each other through this ordeal. The staff from the Water Division have been doing an exceptional job and are continuing to work as quick as possible to have the balance of the frozen services restored to all properties", said Mayor Ian Boddy. "We applaud their efforts!"
The invoicing principles are as follows:
a) Customers whose service was frozen will have their monthly service charges for water "prorated" and reduced for the days the services were frozen; and consumption charges will not be invoiced.
b) Customers who supplied water services to their neighbours through connections approved by City staff will be invoiced current service charges; and consumption charges will be based on quantities from the same time period in 2014.
c) Customers whose properties are in the designated areas where City staff asked that water be left running 24/7 will be invoiced current service charges; and consumption charges will be based on quantities from the same time period in 2014.
d) Wastewater charges will be 100% of the Water charges calculated under A, B or C.
All other properties will be invoiced using the normal billing methods.