

helping handThe following six students received gold medals at the Bluewater Regional Science & Technology Fair. They represented Bluewater as part of Team Ontario at the Canada-Wide Science Fair held virtually from Ottawa May 17 - 21st.

Caleb Dawson - Slow and Steady - Capillary Action, Arran-Tara Elementary School, Grade 7

Cooper Lesauvage - A Helping Hand, Holy Family School, Grade 8

Islay Graham - DL-T Sandwich (EX-25): A Prototype to Eat Waste Heat, Owen Sound District Secondary School, Grade 9

Kylie Morgan - Magnetic Tracks, Sacred Heart Catholic High School, Grade 9

Parshast Sumbria and Brad McConkey - The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Academics, St. Mary’s High School, Grade 11

The team represented our area extremely well, bringing home the following awards at the Canada-Wide Science Fair:

Bronze Medal, Junior Division - Caleb Dawson
Bronze Medal, Intermediate Division - Islay Graham
Gold Medal, Junior Division - Cooper Lesauvage
Youth Can Innovate Award 2021 - Cooper Lesauvage
SHAD Scholarship - Islay Graham

source: media release, Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair


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