

Alexandria1Wow! It’s been a great September, Eagles! It is so nice to see so many familiar faces! Welcome to our new students and staff members. We have done a lot of learning, growing, and playing in a short time! Some of our monthly highlights: The Gaga ball tournament, releasing butterflies on their journey south, student voting, and the soccershowdown! – Mrs. Taylor & The Gr. 7/8’s

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3⁄4 Patchell’s “Practice makes Perfect” Paragraph Writing
Alexandra school is great! The principal, students, and staff are kind and polite. The playground is a fun place because we can play soccer, Gaga Ball, and go on the climber. We have special days like Red T-shirt day, Gaga Ball tournament, and Terry Fox Run practice. Alexandra school is great! – 3/4P

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JOKES FROM GRADE 7/8 Fullerton

Two windmills are in a field listening to music. One asks, “What’s your favourite kind of music?” The other replies, “I’m a big metal fan.”


Live honorably in teachings and in your actions towards all things. Do not waste and be mindful of the balance of all living things. Share and give away what you do not need. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Ojibwe Word of the Month: Migizi means Eagle

“Leadership is... (by 4/5 Stephens)
...caring.” - Henry
...helping no matter who it is.” - Mary Jane
...being kind.” - Colton trust.” - Avery
...not thinking of yourself.” - Talan and helping others.” - Faith
...being honest even when it is hard.” - Ruth
...about helping when it’s hard.” - Kendra
...important to look after poor people.” - Keegan
...helping others.” - Grace
...being honest when you do the wrong thing.” - Brylynn
“ if we don’t have leadership it will be chaos.” - Manix
“A leader does the right thing.” - Marta
“A leader is someone who you can trust.” - Avenly
“A leader is someone who teaches others to be leaders.” - Kim

Alexandria9JK/SK Clement Self Portraits!



Alexandria12We recognized Orange Shirt Day together with a whole school assembly. Chii- Miigwech to Marsha Reany for visiting us and sharing her story. Thank you to Mr. Courage for taking pictures this month! Thank you to Mr. Russell and all members of the drumming circle! #EveryChildMatters


Grade 1 Vail had a brand new “Eagle” in their class! Meet Sticky, the Walking stick

Tongue Twister
Bonjour mes amis! Are you brave enough to try our French virelangue (tongue twister)? Try to say it five times fast!

“As-tu vu le tutu de tulle de Lilli d'Honolulu?”

Bonne chance! - Mme. McLelland and Gr. 7/8T

Alexandria143 Sanderson’s science diagrams!

Alexandria161-2 Mullen named their butterfly, Buddy!


SK-1 Williams learning outside!





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