

screen weekIt's time again for the Turn Off The Screens challenge. The 14th annual challenge runs from May 2 - May 8. During this week student and their families do their best to get off the couch and get active by turning off the television, video game and computer.

Only one in ten children and youth are getting enough daily activity (60 minutes a day) while 76% are spending more than the recommended leisure screen time of two hours per day. Decreases in physical activity and increases in screen time are associated with increased anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and the early development of chronic disease such as diabetes and heart disease.

To decrease screen time parents are encouraged to try the following strategies:

· Limit television or video game time to 1-2 hours a day

· Remove televisions from children's bedrooms

· Eat meals together with the television turned off

· Be a good role model by being active with your child

Students who increase their activity time while decreasing their screen time will be eligible to help their school win prizes. The top three participating schools, by percentage of overall students participating, will receive a mounted plaque for display.

We'd prefer you didn't check out our website; we'd rather you take this opportunity to get outside and "PLAY your way, every day!"

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit


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