

fall preventionWorking collectively to prevent falls across the lifespan.

Falls and fall-related injuries cost Ontario $2.8 billion per year. In Grey Bruce, falls represent a significant public health issue for residents of all ages. Grey Bruce has a 72% higher rate of emergency department visits due to falls across age groups when compared to Ontario. From 2012 to 2014, Grey Bruce saw an average of between 2 and 3 fall-related hospitalizations per day.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is creating a Call to Action toolkit for various sectors and stakeholders that highlights their role in preventing falls. Each toolkit contains a self-assessment checklist to evaluate current practices that influence falls.

Since falls occur due to many complex factors, including biological, socioeconomic, behavioural and environmental factors, our Call to Action asks stakeholders to work together in preventing falls in Grey Bruce. Recommendations include 10 areas for action:

· Build Effective Fall Prevention Initiatives

· Health Equity

· Surveillance and Data

· Environment

· Housing

· Lifetime Physical Activity

· Risk Taking

· Alcohol and Medications

· Support for Individuals and Families

· Education and Awareness

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit


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