



Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Grey Bruce Mental Health and Addiction Services has introduced a single phone number to access all local programs and services across the organization.

Community members can now access all 16 CMHA Grey Bruce locations and programs at 519-371-3642 or toll free 1-888-451-CMHA (2642). This new number makes it easier for clients and community partners to reach appropriate services, quickly and efficiently.

“When CMHA Grey Bruce, G & B House and HopeGreyBruce Mental Health & Addiction Services merged in 2018, improving access to services was a major goal. All three organizations had their own independent phone systems and cumulatively over 65 different phone numbers. Multiple access points made it confusing for clients.” said CMHA Grey Bruce CEO Clark MacFarlane.” With this new system in place, CMHA Grey Bruce can provide better support to clients by navigating them to the most appropriate service with just one call. Which is a significant improvement to the access to service for those we serve. Feedback from staff and callers has been positive.” MacFarlane added.

For information about any CMHA Grey Bruce program or service, call 519-371-3642 or toll free 1-888-451-CMHA (2642).

About Canadian Mental Health Association, Grey Bruce Mental Health and Addiction Services
At CMHA Grey Bruce Mental Health and Addiction Services we cultivate hope, resilience and community for those who live with, and are impacted by, mental illness and/or/addiction. We want to create an inclusive community inspiring hope, choice and well-being for all. We are driven by our values of compassion, dignity, inclusivity, integrity and choice. For more information, visit

source: media release, CMHA



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