


-by Joey Gentile

Ah, summer. The time of year when the thermometer is supposed to rise above 20 degrees, and people pack up their long pants and long woolen sleeves in exchange for a pair of knee cut shorts and a tank top. The smell of mid day snacks such as French Fries wafting through the fresh, warm air rattling the trees and blowing through our hair. The laughter from kids, young and old, now that school is indeed out for summer. What more can one want for Canadian summer?

As soon as the May "two/four" comes around, some pack their summer necessities waiting to be used, to a place very near and dear to many hearts. Right off of County Road 8 appear the lovely sight of cute,quaint storefronts displaying much colourful merchandise and the sight of families walking in each direction. The bright red letters standing tall above the shimmering waters of Lake Huron read: "Welcome to Sauble Beach". You have reached your destination. Sauble Beach, Ontario.

"Why do people come here?" you might ask. Some may simply reply "Why not." On the gold sand of Lake Huron sits a pocket town with many friendly people. People swim, build sand forts, read, walk, power walk, jog, wade, or even just soak up the beauty and sounds of one of nature's finest presents; a beach.

The beach, so inviting and wide, stretches a nice 11 kilometers in length. "But what else is there to experience besides the beach?" A whole lot. The permanent residents at the beach make you feel welcome, and engage in conversations with new people they meet. The whole lifestyle is different. People ride bikes and scooters, internet connection becomes the last thing people worry about, homes and cute cottages are arranged in a neat and unique layout, and many signs are apparent that you are in the country. People also start bon fires at 9:00 in the evening, and take pride in roasting marshmallows with their children.

As a member who is frequently around Sauble Beach, I am pleased to think that what we have here is more than just a silly old town. Many unique events happen such as the annual car shows at sunset which is a calm, relaxing way to end the day at the beach. It is a very special place that words alone cannot describe. The town streets give off a mature ambiance and the feeling of relaxation blankets you. You do not worry here. Anxiety and frustration, it just floats away. The Main Street covered in a dusting of fluffy sand, the café's, the vendors, the one-of-a-kind delicious treats, and endless array of patios and benches to sit on, it is a happy place.

The people who come here are looking for a good time with children away from the city, and Sauble does just that. Many are surprised with the lack of disrespect found here. People know that if you want to visit Sauble, you better behave. The children love it, the families love it and so do many retirees who live here in between seasons. It is not a place for shenanigans. In the end, it is up to the people who constantly monitor the beach to ensure happiness. We all want to be happy, we all want to be safe and we certainly do not any shenanigans that ruin reputations in other places. A deep, sincere "Thank You" goes out to all the people that make the beach great.

I do hope that this season goes smoothly just like in years past. One way to achieve this goal is to limit advertisement for the area. As much as we do love the water, sand and shops, we cannot afford a massive influx of people. This is apparent in many other beaches across the province. People from just about everywhere come to soak up every last bit of that summer sun, while being refreshed by the breeze of Lake Huron. People accidently trample over finite, delicate dune systems. Garbage and broken glass can also accidentally end up in sand and water. It is safe to say that we have just the right amount of visitors, and any more would cause mayhem. It is up to us, stewards of Mother Earth to ensure sustainable health and prosperity. Everyone can contribute.

I encourage everyone, resident or nonresident, to pick up at least 5 articles of safe garbage and dispose of them in the proper place. I encourage people to get active and dispose of their trash in many of the receptacle bins. I encourage people not to drink alcohol or act like fools in front of children. I encourage everyone to be friendly, and really show families just what our small town hospitality is all about. And lastly, I hope for another happy and restful summer season at Sauble. Let's make this season great and go smoothly! Here's to life at the beach.


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