


I have read and heard so many opinions against the minimum wage increase and finally felt a need to give my own opinion.
As many of you know, I have operated my small Boutique, SISTERS on HURON, for 15 years . Before this time, I supported myself for all of my career on a basic Retail salary. Several of those years as a single income person. I was fortunate as most of my employers paid me above what the norm of retail was at the time...though still a modest income.
I agree and support the fact that the Minimum wage should be increased. I appreciate that it is to be done deloresincrementally over 2 years.
I have always tried to treat my employees as fairly as I was by others. More importantly, pay them what they deserve as a result of the excellent work they do for my business.
How is it possible that employers (and some large corporations)‎ sleep at night, growing their successful companies on the backs of loyal and often hard working people paying them poorly.
Thank you to the Wynne government for this new ensure that all will be treated fairly.
My small operation supports 6 employees year round as well as myself. In high season we employ more. I am more than happy to pay them what they are worth.
I recently requested that my bookkeeper increase each of my employees salaries to over the new minimum wage. Those employees already earning well above the new minimum will have their wages increased by the equivalent amount.
I'm hoping more business owners take a positive stand on this increase and award their staff what they so richly deserve.
Delores Sullivan
Owner/ Operator
Sisters on Huron Inc.

Southampton, ON


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